Sarah Palin Status Updates

Gee whiz golly bang, it's hunting season!! Hockey hockey hockey hockey hockey.

Another long day in Alaska: Hockey, ice fishing, PTA meeting about upcoming hockey season, hockey practice, Bible study, hockey Bible study, a quick game of Shoot The Eskimo and then hockey game! What a day!

Oh brother, America. All I can say is, Mexico? Really? Why do we let it exist?

Just {hockey} finished fixing a {Nobama!} utility line, proving once again that you {hockey} don't need any prior experience {pro-life} to perform a job.

Electricity is back--power lines have been down for a WEEK. And my house burned down. Electrical fire. Kind of a mess. HOCKEY.

Well, good golly miss molly, if I'm not the best hockey Mom to ever live. I started my kids on a new diet--strictly petroleum and the blood of liberals--and it is working wonders.

Check out my mini-series on TLC, "Sarah Palin's Alaska." It's all about me and Alaska and, you guessed it, hockey!

Hockey hockey hockey abortion is wrong hockey hockey jesus hockey hockey I slept with John McCain hockey hockey hockey hockey Fox News hockey hockey hockey hockey my daughter's a whore hockey hockey hockey GUNS hockey hockey.