Facebook CNN Application

Facebook has just released a new application by CNN. The application grants all members updates from CNN's budget desk. See what stories the newsmen are pitching with this new application!

Roll of Shame—this inspiring piece is about a paraplegic sorority girl that bravely rolls in her wheelchair all the way home from the frat house, make-up running, shoulder strap askew, tangled hair, missing shoe, and dignity lost.  Unlike the other sorostitutes, this girl cannot walk the Walk of Shame, but that doesn’t stop her from being a whore.  Interview her about her bravery, including overcoming the difficulties of steering a wheelchair while still drunk from the night before.

Taxidermy helps preserve memory of loved ones—A taxidermist has taken to stuffing and mounting busts of the recently deceased, meaning that just because grandma is dead, doesn’t mean she can’t come to Christmas dinner!   Interview family member of someone with taxidermied loved one about how, “it’s like they never died!” Talk about all the activities people do with the taxidermied busts, like going to the movies, fishing, or having family dinners at Applebee’s.  

Irish nation confused over mission of Alcoholics Anonymous—Irishmen and women are completely befuddled about what Alcoholics Anonymous is.  They cannot grasp why there would be a program to help people stop drinking.  Furthermore, why would God support such a program?  Interview an Irishman about how he went to an AA meeting and was flustered that the only drink available was coffee.  Also have AA representative there to explain.  Irishman gets even more confused, than angry, and a fight ensues.     

Kim Jong Il moonlights as fast food mascot—According to North Korean officials, Kim Jong Il has secretly been working as a fast food mascot to earn some extra cash.  Interview political analyst that talks about how being a tyrant is expensive, and Kim Jong Il’s taste for fashion (high heels and shades) exceeds his dictator salary.  Also interview fast food restaurant manager, who says Kim Jong Il has won Employee of the Month six times in a row, and is especially good with the children. 

Medical experts discover spread of AIDs caused by displays and acts of gayness—In one of the biggest medical breakthroughs in years, doctors have traced the origins of spreading AIDs to being totally and indisputably gay.  Paisley satin collared shirts, ascots, listening to Elton John, being Elton John, turtlenecks, coordinating socks and shirts, scarves, and other flamboyantly gay displays and/or acts infect the subject with AIDs.  Scientists believe that, since being so gay is the cause of AIDS, being straight (intolerant-of-everyone straight) can cure the disease.  Interview scientific expert as well as extremely gay individual with AIDs, who is remorseful that he had to be so gay.  If he weren’t so gay, he wouldn’t be sick. 

Boy scout first in troop to earn “Not a Virgin” badge—A local boy scout in troop 413 recently had sex with that slutty Junior girl scout Melanie and is the first in his troop to earn the “Not a Virgin” badge, a badge coveted by tiger scouts near and far.  Interview boy scout about how he convinced Melanie to have sex with him (“I showed her all my badges and my amazing compass skills”) and how his fellow troop members have reacted to his new badge. 

“She” did in fact say all of those things—For years we’ve been wondering who she is and why she says all these inappropriate things.  The phrase “that’s what she said” actually applies to someone, and she is finally stepping forward in an exclusive interview and talks about what she really said, what she was referring to, and why she has so many STD’s. 

New exceptions in traffic cases involving Asians—A recent Supreme Court ruling states that any driver who hits and subsequently kills a pedestrian or other driver is not held responsible if the other driver is Asian.  Interview a cop who explains that 100% of the time, the Asian is confused and the accident was most likely—no, definitely—the Asian’s fault.  Also have a handicapped Asian that was hit by a bus explain why it was their fault that the bus did not slow down when the Asian had the right-of-way at an intersection and why it is the Asian’s fault.  Both interviewees support the new ruling, and are excited to know that innocent victims of Asian confusion will no longer go to jail.  

Pope promises to be a great leader for both Catholic church and Nazi Party—Catholic and Nazi officials are thrilled to announce that Pope Benedict XVI has developed a new doctrine that combines his roles as Head of the Church and Hitler Reincarnate.  He assures that important Aryan beliefs such as anti-semitism and anti-everything-else-itism will adhere perfectly to the Cathlic beliefs of anti-semitism and anti-everything-else-itism.  Interview Catholic cardinal and Nazi about the Pope’s plans to healthily incorporate both belief systems into one.

New gag reflex technology improves bulimia—Bulimics everywhere are rejoicing now that doctors have developed gag reflex replacement surgery.  For those bulimics who have stuck their fingers down their throats one-too-many times, gag reflex replacement promises a fresh start.  Interview bulimic who can throw up her food for the rest of her life thanks to the new procedure, and doesn’t have to worry about losing her gag reflex.  Also interview doctor about why it’s important for these girls to keep throwing up and not become fat—because fat people are ugly and annoying. 

Jungle cats petting zoo a hit—The city has introduced a new Jungle Cats Petting Zoo, a petting zoo with exotic jungle animals like lions, tigers, jaguars, and many more.  The zoo has been a great success with families, especially big families that can afford to lose a kid or two to an angry jungle cat.

Acclaim For Facebook

EVERYONE LOVES FACEBOOK!!! Check out these real-life testimonials:

My band is less obsolete and emo because we have 16 fans on Facebook. Righteous.

I can monitor who is getting my daughter pregnant and at which frat house. It’s great!

Best thing for Lepers since Jesus!

I’m Bill Gates, and I’m totally sucking Mark Zuckerberg’s cock right now.

This new stalkbook lets stalkers feel like real people—the closest we’ll ever become to actually feeling real people.

Thanks to Facebook allowing users of all age, pedophiles like me feel right at home…Because, to enjoy Facebook, we literally don’t have to leave our homes! Or our jail cells…

Alternate Names For Facebook

When creating Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg had several ideas for names, including...


Why People Deactivate Their Facebook Accounts

Waldo deactivated Apr. 25, 2010.
Reason for leaving: No one could find me on Facebook, so my friend count was ZERO. And I tried having a MySpace, but the same thing: ZERO FRIENDS. Not even Tom could find me. WHY AM I SO FUCKING HARD TO FIND?? Even Osama Bin Laden has friends!!!!

Jesus deactivated Jan. 3, 2011.
Reason for leaving: People kept asking me for shit. I don't want to be dealing with their stupid problems when I'm Facebook stalking Mary Magdalene. Yeah, I tapped that.

Karl Rove deactivated Sept. 4, 2009.
Reason for leaving: Mark Zuckerberg is a homo.

Justin Bieber deactivated Dec. 2, 2010.
Reason for leaving: My Mom found the thread between me and Usher...Including the pictures he sent of his belieber. And by belieber I mean penis.

Allah deactivated Jan. 4, 2011.
Reason for leaving: Just trying to keep up with Jesus.

Sarah Palin Status Updates

Gee whiz golly bang, it's hunting season!! Hockey hockey hockey hockey hockey.

Another long day in Alaska: Hockey, ice fishing, PTA meeting about upcoming hockey season, hockey practice, Bible study, hockey Bible study, a quick game of Shoot The Eskimo and then hockey game! What a day!

Oh brother, America. All I can say is, Mexico? Really? Why do we let it exist?

Just {hockey} finished fixing a {Nobama!} utility line, proving once again that you {hockey} don't need any prior experience {pro-life} to perform a job.

Electricity is back--power lines have been down for a WEEK. And my house burned down. Electrical fire. Kind of a mess. HOCKEY.

Well, good golly miss molly, if I'm not the best hockey Mom to ever live. I started my kids on a new diet--strictly petroleum and the blood of liberals--and it is working wonders.

Check out my mini-series on TLC, "Sarah Palin's Alaska." It's all about me and Alaska and, you guessed it, hockey!

Hockey hockey hockey abortion is wrong hockey hockey jesus hockey hockey I slept with John McCain hockey hockey hockey hockey Fox News hockey hockey hockey hockey my daughter's a whore hockey hockey hockey GUNS hockey hockey.

Facebook Founder In The News

Mark Zuckerberg, father of Facebook, has become a media icon, his days filled with press interviews in regard to different stories. Below are three recent headlining articles that feature Zuckerberg.

United States Places Trade Embargo on Duggar Family
The United States government placed a trade embargo on the Duggar Family, ordering Michelle and Jim Bob to stop producing children.
The Learning Channel’s (TLC) show “19 Kids and Counting” centers around the ever-expanding Duggar Family. Due to the Trade Embargo, TLC has changed the name to “19 Kids Making Soap and Playing Harps,” a move that the network fears will hurt viewing numbers.
“Fans of the show know that every time they turn on that TV, Michelle is popping out another kid,” said TLC President David Bartles. “Without a fetus, the show has nothing. We. Need.
A. Fetus.”
With this new embargo comes new challenges for the Duggars, as children are their main export and source of economic growth. The 19 Duggar children are all products of a booming industry that the Duggars have profited from for over two decades, and without this booming industry, the Duggars fear they will fall into political and economic decline.
The family plans on fighting the trade embargo, defending their ongoing production with their firm belief that God continues giving them children for a reason. According to a statement released by the World Trade Organization, “God gives you birth control for a reason. Use it.” The WTO and United States government refuse to lift the trade embargo until Michelle completes menopause.
According to the official proposal of the trade embargo submitted to legislation by everyone in the world, the Duggar family is already a threat to national security. The socially awkward and overly-religious children are known to start conversations with strangers, discussing things like proverbs and denim skirts.
“We’re hoping that by preventing the creation of any more of these...well, these f*@#!%g weirdos, I guess you would call them, we can put a cap on the obstructive social behavior they exhibit,” said United States Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates. “This is all in an attempt to make our own children, you know, the normal ones, feel safe.”
Gates has requested that Mark Zuckerberg, asthmatic and creator of popular social networking site Facebook, prevent any of the Duggar children from setting up a Facebook account so as to avoid any, “growth in support, friends or popularity.”
Zuckerberg assures that there is nothing to worry about, as the shut-in Duggar freaks believe the internet is witchcraft. Furthermore, they don’t even know what a computer is.

Bill Nye Doubts Existence of Science
Bill Nye the Science Guy, known worldwide for his love of bowties and his television program, revealed in a recent interview that he is unsure whether or not science actually exists. Audiences are shocked to discover that this mascot of science has doubts about the field’s existence.
Protestors outside the White House are demanding that Nye be stripped of his lab coat and taken off his show, suggesting that Al Gore the Science Whore replace him as host.
“I would love to take over Nye’s post,” Gore said. “Lying to people about science is my absolute favorite.”
Nye explained that he is “going through some tough shit” and “needs to figure stuff out.”
“I just hope all those adorable science geeks in head gear don’t see me as some sort of traitor,” Nye said. “I just don’t know what to believe anymore!”
NASA Administrator Charles Bolden held a press conference this morning to beg the public for their support of Nye while he soul-searches.
“At one point in time, Bill Nye was, in fact, a firm believer in science,” Bolden said. “He had the faith of a child, never questioning why chlorophyll makes things green.”
Bolden went on to say that scientists and want-to-be scientists and pretty much anyone who doesn’t get laid needs to keep Nye in their evolution-supporting thoughts. “Now is not the time to turn our scoliosis-plagued backs on him.”
Facebook creator and pale virgin Mark Zuckerberg is threatening to remove any Bill Nye-related pages on the social networking site. “If I find out that he lied about 1.3 million earths fitting inside the sun, then you better believe I won’t be reducing, reusing, or recycling any of his fan pages. I’m deleting them.”

Awareness Ribbon Awareness Day
In an attempt to raise awareness about awareness ribbons, Dec. 20 has been declared Awareness Ribbon Awareness Day. Convinced that there are not enough wanna-be-Christmas holidays during this month (you’re not a real holiday, Hannukkah. And Solstice … what the F&^%?), President Barack Obama issued an official statement last week about the new holiday.
“We want America to be aware that they are aware, which is why Awareness Ribbon Awareness Day is so crucial,” Obama said. “It also eliminates the need for all these awareness weeks. America doesn’t care that much.”
Ribbon Factory, an online manufacturer of awareness ribbons, has already sold over one million Awareness Ribbon Awareness ribbons, which are made out of intestinal lining because, according to Ribbon Factory CEO Cheryl Fleur, “it is the only color that isn’t being used by some other pointless cause.” The intestinal lining ribbon fridge and car magnets are also selling fast and are already starting to appear on upper middle class family’s minivans and SUVs.
Facebook founder Mark "Faggot" Zuckerberg has personally started 185 groups, 64 fan pages and 82 applications on his social networking site in support of Awareness Ribbon Awareness Day.
“Thanks to awareness ribbons, chicks think I support these causes,” Zuckerberg said, proudly sporting twelve different ribbons on his sweater vest, including the intestinal lining Awareness Ribbon Awareness ribbon. “I don’t even know what Autism is, but I’m wearing this weird-ass puzzle ribbon, so I must be a fan of “Rainman.” Right?”
Hallmark is urging all customers to take advantage of their Awareness Ribbon Awareness Day sound cards, which feature different celebrity figures saying, “I’m Aware” over and over again. Hallmark is also selling Awareness Ribbon Awareness Day calendars, mugs, ornaments and figurines.


Go-Gurt can be blamed for every problem with America's youth, starting with the increase in recreational drug use.

It's science.